This Consortium brings together stakeholders in Microfluidics from across Europe and the USA to learn about state-of-the-art, recent applications, market dynamics as well as to collaborate to address key issues which are constraining growth and scale-up.

- Learning from successes and experiences in other industries/sectors,
- Identifying and promoting good practices for example
- Precursors to standards (eg connectors and chip holders)
- Intellectual property management
- Meeting stakeholders and influencers in 'Grand Challenges' for microfluidics
- Hearing pitches from start ups seeking help and investment in our "Microfluidics Hot Seat" formula,
- Promoting their products and services through our international open day events, news feeds & in online directories,
- Building technology and market intelligence portfolios,
- Participating in a confidential trusting community of experts,
- Sharing the costs with 20-25 other organizations,
- Doing more with less.
We use a sophisticated networking platform - enabling delegates from all over the world to engage with our physical open days.
In the USA we work closely with two regional microfluidics communities:
- FluidicMEMs (East Coast)
- Bay Area Microfluidics Network (West Coast)
sharing events, initiatives and insights which increase our reach and contact base.
While the consortium's work is confidential. Its members have created public domain websites and to support the industry with news, white papers, jobs and more
"The program at the Microfluidics Consortium is almost always relevant and compelling, and the experience is quite different from some of the larger med-tech or microfluidic conferences. I often find more value in these smaller meetings, since they allow for in-depth discussions in a setting that is more conducive to building relationships and collaborations.
"The gathering was really successful and provided interesting insighs and great connections" - Francesc Benitez : Head of Microfluidics, Qiagen, Spain
"This huge event for microfluidics researchers was extremely interesting to establish a network and find synergy in microfluidics experiences." - Eloise Perriset Merck Millipore France
"Last year's MF consortium site visit at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was a great success. We were able to pull off an important deal with a leading industrial partner. Looking forward to more such meaningful collaborations" - Sankar Narayamsamy LLNL, USA
Interested in a corporate membership subscription to join the Microfluidics Consortium?Download the "Why my organisation should join" deck here, then contact CfBI for formal prospectus / sign up process