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Cambridge Innovation Summit  2024

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The Cambridge Innovation Summit on Sept 11th 2024 is a day of inspiration, insight and action for thought leaders from the world's best companies who are shaping the global innovation landscape. We are now in our tenth year and delighted to be getting physical again!!

  CfBI Summit 2024         

The Summit Starts with a gala dinner at Westminster College on Sept 10th. This brings together international delegates from all of CfBI's consortia with Cambridge thought leaders and invited guests.
On Sept 11th our overarching  themes are :
Future of Health

Working sessions designed to help delegates to engage with their peers from
around the world  and stimulate discussion and feedback.Our overarching theme is AI best practise. The Cambridge Innovation Summit is application agnostic - covering : Automation, Health, Materials,  IT, Finance, Telecommunications and more

Working sessions designed to help delegates to engage with their peers from around the world  and stimulate discussion and feedback. Sessions will address:

- Global Best Practise  in  Innovation
- Deep Dive AI Case Study
- Innovation Huddles - identifying areas of common interest where delegates can work together on action plans
- Innovation  at the University of Cambridge

This will be followed by a curated matching session enabling corporate delegates to meet exciting Cambridge Start-ups that fit with their requirements. There will be specialist strands for: AI; Food/Agritech/Process Chemistry ; Sustainability .

We are delighted to have world class innovation speakers from:

-  National Grid ESO Innovation Unit
- Swiss Re
- Danaher
- Green Technology  Bank
- University of Cambridge

See  agenda and registration   

We are delighted to have earlybird registrations from corporates in USA, Japan, China, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the UK

Participation is free for current CfBI Consortium members  (Apply here)
Non-members Apply here.

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